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Voir toutes les offres d'emploi au BIT

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Résultats de la recherche pour "". Page 1 sur 2, Résultats 1 à 20 sur 34
Titre ID Lieu Catégorie d'emploi
01. Funcionario/a de comunicación y gestión de la información - NOA 12658 Argentina, Buenos Aires Temporal
Executive Assistant to the Director - G6
Executive Assistant to the Director - G6 12602 Local Hungary, Budapest
12602 Hungary, Budapest Local
Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) - P5
Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) - P5 12589 Development Cooperation Somalia, Mogadishu
12589 Somalia, Mogadishu Development Cooperation
Oficial Técnico de Proyecto, Migración Laboral
Oficial Técnico de Proyecto, Migración Laboral 12657 Cooperación para el desarrollo Ecuador, Quito
12657 Ecuador, Quito Cooperación para el desarrollo
Programme Officer
Programme Officer 12642 Temporary Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
12642 Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Temporary
National Project Coordinator
National Project Coordinator 12646 Development Cooperation Nepal, Kathmandu
12646 Nepal, Kathmandu Development Cooperation
National Project Coordinator
National Project Coordinator 12645 Development Cooperation Nepal, Kathmandu
12645 Nepal, Kathmandu Development Cooperation
Especialista en sectores de la industria ligera
Especialista en sectores de la industria ligera 12584 Internacional Switzerland, Geneva
12584 Switzerland, Geneva Internacional
Spécialiste de l'industrie manufacturière légère
Spécialiste de l'industrie manufacturière légère 12584 International Switzerland, Geneva
12584 Switzerland, Geneva International
Specialist in Light Manufacturing Sectors
Specialist in Light Manufacturing Sectors 12584 International Switzerland, Geneva
12584 Switzerland, Geneva International
Project-Program Support Assistant G4
Project-Program Support Assistant G4 12653 Temporary Switzerland, Geneva
12653 Switzerland, Geneva Temporary
Asistente Administrativo - G4 (DC)
Asistente Administrativo - G4 (DC) 12605 Cooperación para el desarrollo Chile, Santiago
12605 Chile, Santiago Cooperación para el desarrollo
Programme Manager - P5
Programme Manager - P5 12617 Development Cooperation Bangladesh, Dhaka
12617 Bangladesh, Dhaka Development Cooperation
Asistente (a) Administrativo (a)
Asistente (a) Administrativo (a) 12614 Local Switzerland, Geneva
12614 Switzerland, Geneva Local
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant 12614 Local Switzerland, Geneva
12614 Switzerland, Geneva Local
Assistant (e) administrative
Assistant (e) administrative 12614 Local Switzerland, Geneva
12614 Switzerland, Geneva Local
National Project Coordinator - Social Protection (Re-advertisement)
National Project Coordinator - Social Protection (Re-advertisement) 12307 Development Cooperation Jordan, Amman
12307 Jordan, Amman Development Cooperation
National Project Coordinator - NOB (DC)
National Project Coordinator - NOB (DC) 12579 Coopération pour le développement Congo, the Democratic Republic of the, Kananga
12579 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the, Kananga Coopération pour le développement
Driver - G2
Driver - G2 12578 Coopération pour le développement Congo, the Democratic Republic of the, Kananga
12578 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the, Kananga Coopération pour le développement
Assistant Financier- G5(DC)
Assistant Financier- G5(DC) 12575 Coopération pour le développement Congo, the Democratic Republic of the, Kananga
12575 Congo, the Democratic Republic of the, Kananga Coopération pour le développement